Sometimes, the most successful people are often also those who understand the power of networking. Pursuing opportunities to connect with industry leaders or professionals with varying interests and perspectives is critical to your own career growth.
School can be expensive, and it is hard work. Education is more than just the paper and qualifications you receive at the end. It’s about the lessons you learn, the people you meet, and the relationships you build. So why would you expect to leave all of that behind after graduation?

Making a final selection on a school can be a much-needed sigh of relief after what is almost always a long journey. For most families and athletes, that journey was full of twists and turns. But settling on that final, Right Fit is always a satisfying conclusion to most of the process. Congrats on getting there!
Below is advice from those who came before you who went through the journey just like you did. As it turns out, there are some further steps to make sure you are staying on that correct path even though you may have committed (or even signed a Letter of Intent) by this point.

Chances are you have already heard of things like the Common App, Coalition app, or even state or system specific apps like the UC / Cal State apps, etc. from your own research or your school counselor.
Cover your bases. Look into acceptance rates, especially if you are an out-of-state student, and have a good spread of submitted applications just in case you need them.
From a Time standpoint, it is generally recommended that students give themselves about six weeks to get everything they need for college applications. That includes two weeks to fill out any background information, and about a month for other required documents and potential essay or personal statement rewrites.

Employment of construction managers is projected to grow 9 percent from 2023 to 2033, much faster than the average for all occupations.
Construction managers plan, coordinate, budget, and supervise construction projects from start to finish.
Often called general contractors or project managers, they coordinate and supervise a wide variety of projects, including the building of all types of public, residential, commercial, and industrial structures, as well as roads, memorials, and bridges. Either a general contractor or a construction manager oversees the construction phase of a project, but a construction manager may also consult with the client during the design phase to help refine construction plans and control costs.

There are several important terms in the athletic process, some you surely have already heard (and others you probably have not, as yet) that could be unfamiliar or confusing. Below is a non-comprehensive, quick list of some of these terms you may encounter as you begin your research or start interacting with a college coach.

A postgraduate (PG) year refers to the academically-minded gap year spent at a private or independent school, after high school graduation, in order to strengthen candidacy for admission and potential for success in college. This type of gap year allows students to further cultivate their skills, academically, athletically, or socially, to better prepare for college.
There are many reasons that high school graduates may choose to pursue a PG year. Traditionally, a PG year at a private school was pursued by male athletes looking to cultivate their skills to improve recruitment opportunities. Today, PG years are pursued by all for several other reasons.

A business degree is one of the most versatile degrees you can earn. Both graduate and undergraduate business studies can lead to positions in management, finance, marketing, or a variety of other career paths. The field of business is as wide-ranging as it is customizable.

College admissions applications come in different formats and sizes. Some require recommendations from a teacher or a counselor, some do not. Some require an essay, some do not. Your organizational skills are the most important aspect of the application process. Your completed application will be all that an admissions committee will consider in making their final decision.

You may not like hearing this, but it might be a good idea to do some test prep (you can find some great resources free online) and put in an effort to get your test scores. If you do well, that is another arrow in your quiver in case you need it. Maybe you won’t, but at least you’ll have it if you do. Why limit your options?
As you go through the college search process, you will see some testing terms over and over. The biggest one is “Test Optional”. Oftentimes, an applicant or a family will see “test optional” and believe this is an opportunity to simply skip the testing. That is not always the best decision, especially if you are applying to a combination of schools. There is a very high chance you still need the scores for some of those applications. As stated above, there are great, free prep resources for you such as practice tests and study guides easily obtainable.
The biggest problem students have with the standardized tests are not the questions or the material, it is managing your time effectively while taking the exams. This is where practice tests can really make a big impact on your outcome.

The traditional four-year college experience is not for everyone. Some students are not sure what they want to study, while others are looking for a more affordable education. Many students study for two years at junior college before transferring to a four-year college, saving significant money on tuition. Plus, students interested in some fields can expect to earn real money with an associate degree, and junior colleges afford job training and certificates that can be extremely valuable.
JUCO’s offer great opportunities for not just students but for student-athletes as well. There seemed to be, at least in the past, a misconception about these schools: Know that Junior Colleges are not a free-for-all where athletes do not need to go to class or maintain their grades. While at a JUCO, students DO need to maintain certain grades to be eligible to continue competing.

Circumstances are always changing with financial aid, and we are in one of those times right now for sure. The information below is to introduce you to some forms of aid and help familiarize you with some terms you will surely encounter, as well.
Chances are, you or someone very close to you has already gone through a financial aid process with a college or the government. Understanding their experience is always helpful, but just be aware that each family is very different and financial aid options, especially at the federal level, do change over time, so it is very important to get updated information on that process and availability.
The likelihood of receiving a full scholarship for athletics that will cover your tuition is pretty slim for about 95% of families, sorry to say. Most families do have to borrow, at least a little, to help pay for college tuition.

One of the best lifehacks of growing up is understanding that quality rest and adequate sleep are some of the biggest gifts you could ever give yourself.
Many teenagers report that they always seem to be sleepy and tired. Everyone experiences sleepiness at some time or another throughout the day. And usually, but not always, the reason is obvious, such as too many late nights in a row. But up to 40% of teens feel that they are tired most of the time.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities are smaller higher-education institutions with close-knit communities that can provide noticeably good value for the money. Most have fewer than 5,000 students where small class sizes can make it easier to know classmates and form helpful relationships with professors. Lower student to faculty ratios can mean that faculty will know who you are and are potentially better able to help students achieve success.
Most HBCU’s are not located in large cities, so students are more likely to spend significant time together outside of class. When you mix this family feel with school pride, you get a college community that can influence your life long after you graduate.

School size is one of the biggest factors that students consider when selecting a college. There are some misconceptions about both sides: big schools and small schools. You might be surprised to hear that most adults, polled later in life, say that they believe they could have benefited more from attending a school with smaller classes sizes than larger, more “popular” colleges and universities.
But there is no one-size-fits-all when selecting a college, this process is unique to you and your family. A Ford or an Acura or a Subaru, a van or a car or a truck, those all have the ability to get you where you want to go. But each of those certainly have differences, and each also with their own pro’s and con’s.
Below are some reasons why you should or should not consider one side over the other. Step back, be objective, and make the process your own.

College admissions officers want well-rounded applicants just as much as they want applicants to check-off the class boxes. After mapping out state or school graduation requirements, you may have opportunities to take elective classes. This is your chance to explore your interests. Take courses that fuel those passions and interests. High school is really where students should begin to feed their curiosities, so they make educated decisions that affect the rest of their life and career.
If you already know what specific major you would like to pursue, electives become even more important. Some colleges and universities will look for specific classes in your transcript in addition to the core courses.

If you have already started exploring college sites and their academic offerings, you probably have seen a section such as “Pre-Professional Programs”.
Pre-professional tracks are in undergraduate programs that prepare you for a professional degree after you complete your bachelor’s. If you know which career you want to pursue after graduation, there may be an advisory program in place to help you get there. The two most common tracks are pre-med and pre-law, but there are also pre-professional programs designed to help those students become veterinarians, chiropractors, dentists, architects, etc.
The list is longer than you might expect.

The NCAA, NAIA, and NJCAA (Junior Colleges) are three separate college athletic organizations that together service about 650,000 student-athletes per year. The NAIA has one level. The NJCAA has three levels, just like the NCAA.
Most people think that the thee NCAA divisions, the NAIA, and NJCAA all exist in their own bucket: NCAA Division I being the “best”, with JUCO being the “worst”. While this may be true for some schools, there is a lot more congruency than you may believe. In actuality, all the levels are overlapped.

The numbers will vary based on where you look, but the average high school student to high school counselor ratio in the United States is about 400:1. Not all of those may be senior students, but you can see how having a very large number of students can dramatically impact a counselor’s (and teacher’s) ability to write glowing recommendation letters for students in need. But it is often necessary to be included in a college application.
It is also very helpful to your counselor and teachers for you to complete a brag sheet: this is a list of your academic and athletic accomplishments, community or volunteer service, clubs and activities, work history, hobbies outside of sports and academics, details, and insight into what makes you “you”.

In the frenzied quest to investigate schools and be admitted to their top choices for college, sometimes families and students overlook what the admissions departments are actually looking for in applicants. Somewhat similar to an athlete’s highlight reel, it is important to give the college what THEY want, not what we think is cool or what we think they SHOULD want from us.
There are a lot of great articles out there detailing what colleges are actually looking for, but it all boils down to a few areas where colleges tend to focus the most.
It may seem top secret, but colleges are generally willing to reveal their most important admission factors. Know where to look. College admissions committees read through thousands of applications and it is easy to get lost in the shuffle if you don’t showcase what it is that colleges are looking for. Admissions committees assess applicants and decide whether they are a good fit on their campus.

Serving your country is a big honor and a big responsibility. Talk to cadets and graduates, investigate the options, and always make sure you are diligent before making a decision.